Ethiopia Through The Eyes of our Guests
1st October 2020
Shortly before the world was gripped in a pandemic, Wild Images leaders Mark Beaman and Inger Vandyke had been leading wildlife and people tours in the stunning African country of Ethiopia. While we were there none of us could have known that we’d be returning home to a world shutting down in order to protect people from catching Covid19, one of the worst illnesses to strike our modern world in our lifetimes.
From the life and colour of Africa we went home to the fear and worry that such an illness creates. Lockdowns became our new world as we all did what it took to control a virus that was new to both science and medicine. For a while the world looked quite bleak but it did allow some of our guests the time to create some beautiful books from their photos they shot on our trips.
We are thrilled to share some of their beautiful work with you and we invite you to take a moment, sit with a coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy some of their stunning photos from their trips.
Wild Ethiopia 2020 by Jacqui Bourke
Ethiopia’s Omo Valley by Stuart Hahn
Enjoy the beautiful world of Ethiopia as our guests saw it.
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